Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

August 1st and 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Minnesota International®

Kaylee Kalbow

People's Choice Award

1.What is 1 beauty product you cannot live without?
A good friend is someone that I can depend on to trust and respect both ways in the relationship. They are there for you unconditionally during your highs and lows, offering support, kindness, and a listening ear and offering advice. It is someone that lives by the "Golden Rule," and accepts you for who you are with no judgement and likes to get silly and have fun with you in life.

2.If you had to do over anything what would it be?
When I have difficulty relaxing, I know I am stressed. Also, if it starts to affect my physical or mental well-being I know that I need to take some time for self-care immediately. A few of my go-to self-care activities are cuddling with my fur baby, drinking tea or a stroll through the park. After a bit of self-care, I am ready to put my best self forward and handle whatever comes my way.

3.Who would you love to meet and why?
I take a deep breath and assess the situation. Taking a few seconds to focus on my breathing helps clear my mind, stress, and anxiety. I do not react on my emotions instead I calmly solve the problem. I have a strong faith that everything will be ok and that everything happens for a reason in God’s time. This puts me at ease the most and trusting in my daily motto: "Let Go, Let God."

4.Favorite vacation?
To have dignity would be someone that exudes high respect and honor to others as a humane right. It is also someone that holds oneself highly accountable with high standards for the way they present themself in life. They know that they are worthy and valuable and deserve to be treated equally as human beings with the utmost values and morals. Therefore, they choose to treat others with kindness and love at all times.

5.What do you normally eat for breakfast?
My great grandpa Anton came to America from Norway with ten cents in his pocket. He became a successful farmer and gave his life to the Lord. He would invite people over to the farm for dinner, even people he didn’t know and share the word of God with them. He was a man of God with a heart full of love and would give his shirt off of his back to anyone, anytime.