Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

August 1st and 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss South Carolina International®

Bobbi Bishop

People's Choice Award

 For many, winning a crown symbolizes status, power, or even happiness.  Although a crown can be all of these things, to me it is something quite different.  When I see a crown, I see a beautiful way of telling a story.  If you take a close look at the Miss International® crown, you may notice several points or "mountains".  What your eyes may not have been drawn to are the valleys that lie between each of them.  The valleys represent the struggles we all go through in life to stand upon our mountains of triumph.  Please take a walk with me through some of my valleys.

     All throughout school people segregate themselves into cliques.  Mine was no different.  As a middle school-er I lost a good friend, Aaron Cato to suicide, due to bullying.  I, myself was forced to move high schools because of bullying and death threats.  As if these things weren't enough, on 6/6/06 a close friend of mine, Craig "Phez" Phalen died of an overdose.  A silent killer many teens struggle with because of peer pressure.  Because of these tragedies in my life, I sympathize with the millions of students across our country that become more and more withdrawn from school because of the bullying and violence. Take a look at Columbine and even more recent the Virginia Tech Massacre.  These are extreme cases of bullying which could have and should have been prevented. 

     This is where my platform, GENERATION NEXT: Giving The Future A Voice comes in. Generation Next proudly supports and partners together with Challenge Day®.  Challenge Day® is a program designed to target the main culprit in adolescent delinquency: bullying.  In turn, it transforms schools into a safe haven for students to grow, learn and live.  America, these students are our future leaders, doctors and scientists.  If we don't do something now, our country's future is in trouble.  Let's not allow another life be taken too early.  Instead, together we can GIVE OUR FUTURE A VOICE.  I ask each of you at home reading this to please join with me, as I begin to climb this mountain in my life.  The view from the top is going to be amazing and worth the fight to get there!

With Sincere Love- Thank You,

Bobbi Bishop

To learn more about Challenge Day Programs visit:

In loving memory of Aaron Cato and Craig "Phez" Phalen