Join Us For The Next
Miss International Pageant

July 24th and 25th , 2025


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Pennsylvania International ® Director

Director: Jodi Cessna

Applications are now being accepted for Miss Pennsylvania International.
Please contact Jodi Cessna - Director for more information.

Jodi Cessna has been the State Director for the Pennsylvania International Pageants since 2004 and has been involved in the International system as a competitor, judge and volunteer since 1996.  She was the 1st runner-up for Mrs. Ohio International in 1996, and the 1st runner-up for Mrs. Pennsylvania International in 2000 before becoming Mrs. Pennsylvania International in 2003.  She has been married to Scott Cessna since 1989 and they have 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren.   Jodi and Scott were deeply honored to be selected the Mrs. State Directors of the Year in 2008 & 2017 and the Miss and Teen Directors of the Year in 2013.

For additional information, visit our website

Phone: 814-943-7272


Local Pageant Date: 03/15/2025
